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28.05.2024 | 14:10

A crucial summer for Christos Tzolis: He is going back to England and Norwich have to make a decision!

If Fortuna Düsseldorf did exactly what they had to do against Bochum, and just defended the 3-0 first leg, then Christos Tzolis would definitely be playing in the Bundesliga next season. Now, he has to return to Norwich, with whom he is tied to a two-year contract, and wait. Unless the team that shone with her this year decides to pay close to five million, which they have done only once in their history!

15.05.2024 | 22:22

«Αγάπησε την Ελλάδα και τον ΠΑΟΚ»: Τι καταφέρνει ο Ότο σε έξι μήνες, για… πρώτη φορά στην καριέρα του;

Μία σπουδαία στιγμή στην καριέρα του Γιόνι Ότο είναι πλέον πιο κοντά από ποτέ, με τον μπακ του ΠΑΟΚ να πλησιάζει στον πρώτο τίτλο της… ζωής του, ως επαγγελματίας ποδοσφαιριστής!

15.05.2024 | 17:40

Goalkeepers do shine: The world will remember the historic saves against Son and Muani

They say that the forwards and the midfielders are the ones who get all the attention and are always the favorites for the awards. And how the defense with the goalkeepers stay in their shadow. With what happened on Tuesday night in London, comes the great vindication of the goalkeepers for their own moments of glory that the world will remember.  

06.05.2024 | 22:09

Κεφάλαιο Τζορτζ Μπάλντοκ: Οι ελληνικές «ρίζες», η... εκτόξευση στη Σέφιλντ Γιουνάιτεντ και ο Παναθηναϊκός! (vid)

Έτοιμος να φορέσει τη φανέλα του «τριφυλλιού» φαίνεται να είναι ο Τζορτζ Μπάλντοκ, ένας ποδοσφαιριστής που ξεκίνησε από χαμηλά, έφτασε στα «σαλόνια» της Premier League και αγωνίζεται εδώ και μία διετία με την Εθνική Ελλάδας.

07.04.2024 | 12:07

Watkins vowed to lead Aston Villa to Europe's biggest stadiums (vid)

Yes, the top-four finish seems to be out of Villa's control at the moment, but Ollie Watkins is aiming to get the Champions League anthem played at Villa Park next season. And having locked this target, he reached 18 goals in this year's Premier League, having, in fact, built a distance from all the others in Goals/Assist contribution!